Built on the belief that everyone deserves to feel whole, Continuum supports your ongoing personal development.

Our Approach


1. Consultation

We arrange a free consultation call and listen to your story. We work with you to create a personalised support plan that suits your condition, preferences, and budget.


2. Care

We match you with the most suitable practitioners to support your healing and transformation. Whether you need individual therapy, group support, or experiential learning, we have something for you. Using only proven methods that have been validated by research and practice.


3. Community

You can join our community and connect with other like-minded people who are on the same journey as you. You enjoy the lasting results of our program, which include reduced symptoms, improved well-being, enhanced resilience, and increased creativity. You will also have access to our ongoing support and follow-up services.

Continuum offers you many short and long term benefits. Some you'll feel up front, while others may take longer to play out.


Personalised Support

You are unique, and so is your journey. Our team will work with you to create a personalised plan that suits your needs, goals, and preferences. Whether you want to overcome a specific challenge, explore your identity, or simply improve your well-being, we will support you every step of the way.


Holistic Development

We believe that mental health is more than just the absence of problems. It’s also about cultivating your strengths, passions and potential. We use a holistic approach that addresses not only your symptoms, but also you as a whole person. We can help you develop skills and strategies to cope with stress, enhance your relationships, and achieve your aspirations.


Lasting Transformation

We know that change is possible, and we want to help you make it happen. Our therapists, coaches and practitioners can help you heal from the past, cope with the present, and prepare for the future. We can help you change negative beliefs, emotions, and behaviours into positive ones, leading to a more fulfilling and authentic life.

Client Success

“Before working with Continuum, it felt like my experience of life was constantly surrounded and dampened by stress and anxiety. After two months of EMDR therapy, I'm less stressed, less angry, more present, closer to my kids and my sleep has improved significantly. It's also helped me to overcome a fear of public speaking. I can't recommend this enough.”



A note from your guide and our founder

“At Resurface our mission is to help millions achieve optimal wellbeing and flourish. We aim to empower every person to live a life of purpose, meaning and peak performance. Continuum is one way to make that happen.”

Josh Dickson

Continuum Practitioners

A collaborative and supportive expert community that shares a common vision.
We are dedicated to your healing and flourishing.

Evidence–Based Interventions

You can access a range of therapeutic interventions to help you overcome your mental health problems and find peace of mind. Prices are dependent on the type and quantity of interventions, in addition to the length of treatment. Typically, sessions begin from £160 per session.

  • 1. EMDR Therapy

    EMDR: Eye Movement Desensitisation & Reprocessing is an evidence-based psychotherapy for Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD), psychological trauma, and other mental health conditions. During intensive EMDR programs, clients engage in multiple sessions over a shorter period to accelerate healing and symptom reduction. The therapy aims to reprocess traumatic memories, alleviate emotional distress, and promote adaptive coping mechanisms.

  • 2. Group Therapy

    A form of psychotherapy that involves one or more therapists working with several people at the same time. It can help people cope with various issues, such as anxiety, depression, trauma, addiction, or interpersonal problems. It can also provide a safe and supportive environment where people can share their experiences, learn from others, and receive feedback and guidance. Group therapy can also help people develop new skills, such as communication, problem-solving, or coping strategies.

  • 3. Flow Coaching

    A type of coaching that helps people achieve optimal performance and well-being by tapping into their natural state of flow. Flow is a psychological state where a person is fully immersed and engaged in an activity that challenges their skills and abilities. Flow coaching can help people identify and pursue their passions, overcome obstacles, and enhance their creativity and productivity, helping people experience more joy, satisfaction, and meaning in their lives.

  • 4. Trauma Sensitive Yoga

    A form of yoga that is designed to meet the needs of people who have experienced trauma. Trauma-sensitive yoga can help people heal from the effects of trauma, such as chronic stress, anxiety, depression, or post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), helping people reconnect with their bodies, emotions, and sensations in a safe and gentle way. This can help foster a sense of empowerment, self-compassion, and resilience.

  • 5. Compassionate Inquiry

    A therapeutic approach that helps people explore and understand their inner experiences with curiosity and compassion. It can help people uncover the root causes of their suffering, such as unresolved trauma, negative beliefs, or emotional wounds. Compassionate inquiry can also help people transform their relationship with themselves and others by cultivating awareness, acceptance, and empathy, promoting healing, growth, and change.

  • 6. Accountability Coaching

    A type of coaching that helps people achieve their goals by holding them accountable for their actions and results. It can help people clarify their vision, set realistic and measurable objectives, and create an action plan. Accountability coaching can also help people monitor their progress, overcome challenges, and celebrate their achievements, motivating people to stay focused, committed, and consistent.

  • 7. Talk Therapy

    Working with a therapist to talk through a clients experiences, emotions, and challenges. It can help a person gain a better understanding of themselves, cope with stress, overcome anxiety and trauma, and achieve positive change in their lives. Our therapists are qualified and experienced in providing talk therapy for various mental health conditions, such as trauma, addiction, depression, and low self-esteem. They will support clients every step of the way, giving them time to talk, listen, and reflect.

  • 8. Self-care strategies

    Self-care strategies are actions that people take to care for their physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual well-being. They can help people cope with stress, prevent burnout, and enhance their quality of life. Self-care strategies can include activities such as exercise, meditation, relaxation, hobbies, socializing, or seeking professional help. They can also involve setting boundaries, expressing needs, learning to say no, or asking for support.

  • 9. Mindfulness Instruction

    A form of education that teaches people how to practice mindfulness. Mindfulness is a state of awareness where a person pays attention to the present moment with openness and curiosity. This form of instruction can help people learn various techniques to cultivate mindfulness, such as breathing exercises, body scans, or mindful movements. Mindfulness instruction can also help people apply mindfulness to different aspects of their lives, such as work, relationships, or health, benefiting people by reducing stress, improving mood, enhancing focus, or increasing happiness.


Positive change

We believe that change can happen in a moment and we are here to facilitate that moment.

We also believe that you deserve to live a life of balance, flow, and fulfilment. That’s why we are here to help you overcome your inner conflict and achieve your peak performance. Whether you are struggling with trauma, addiction, or other mental health issues, or simply want to enhance your potential, Continuum by Resurface is the answer.